The True Essence Of Things

The True Essence Of Things

In the short term, the illusion created by others or the particular situation in play can be misleading; people behave to gain some advantage or maintain a situation that is pleasing or beneficial to them, therefore they need to hide their true feelings or true intentions. Once the exact reality is revealed it can be either enlightening or shocking; revealing a condition that could be better or worse than one originally thought. Over time the true situation always starts to reveal itself; intuition kicks in giving some insights into what you may face. The advantages of following or rejecting intuition can only become known over the long term; the wait just can make things more interesting, or assumptions change the final outcome.

Confirmation of those flash ideas or intuitions is the realization that what you think most about has the potential to be realized within your perceived reality. This potential is always waiting for you to realize that most desires are achievable with sufficient focus of energy and intellect. What you strive to achieve is backed by a strong realization, that no matter what, that giving up is not an option for success. Dogged persistence is the fuel that will drive your success into reality. Sacrifice in order to achieve success or sacrifice the potential for success.

Achieving in life is all about finding ways of bringing wishes, desires, dreams to life. Identifying the main components or means to gain whatever is desired is the most critical factor. Being able to realize the true dynamics of any situation, without deceiving oneself or being deceived, is of immense value in life. There are always those who wish to confuse, deceive, even lead others astray in order to gain some selfish beneficial advantage for themselves. Always being attentive to the details relating to any circumstances will help reduce the potential for others to take some undesirable advantage at your expense.

There is much knowledge available aesthetically in this modern age, that can assist or mislead; being aware of what information is useful and what should be discarded or ignored is a tremendous advantage. There will always be information that is incorrect; perhaps made available by those of good but perhaps misdirected intentions, or those wishing to achieve some benefit or advantage by misleading others. Having the ability to discern what is correct and that which should be discarded is a necessary attribute in the modern world. 

Manipulation Is An Exercise In The Misuse Of Control

Manipulation Is An Exercise In The Misuse Of Control

Manipulation can often be attributed to opposing potentially negative desires, that are aimed against someone in order to achieve the will and domination over those who are subservient. People become manipulated for various reasons as well as to various levels of proficiency or malevolence. Experts in manipulation have a history of using fellow humans as puppets of their desires. Manipulation of others can usually become habitual due to its addictive nature, the ability to make others concede to the willpower of the manipulator's demands is a thrilling experience for some. Power is indeed a very potent drug, as with all forms of power exerted over others in order to control a person or a specific outcome success usual creates the desire to exercise power over others on a continual basis. Manipulation can be a form of inducement for others to do what they are unwilling to do without forceful or motivational encouragement; it would be for their benefit to some extent but more likely that of the manipulator.

When a manipulator has the ability to impact someone's life in some way, either negatively or positively, then there is little choice not to concede without a struggle or some form of disadvantage ensuing. When there are benefits on both sides, for example being manipulated in order to obtain some form of advantage or reward, the case is a two-way street were the manipulated concedes for the purpose of gaining what they want. Doing some task willingly for reward is not being manipulated, subservient for a purpose perhaps but that is all. People are sometimes manipulated into achieving some objective that is in their supposed best interest; the manipulator assuming rightfully or wrongly that they have a better understanding of the situation or have the best interested of the manipulated at heart.

Those Who Wish To Deceive

Those Who Wish To Deceive

Self-deception or deception initiated and controlled by others both have the necessity to be backed by some form of strong or persistent belief. Without the participants buying into the related belief system any particular deception will prove unfounded, therefore requiring ongoing false clarity to prevail. Deception has as many forms as the various purposes it is used to disguise or promote.

With self-deception, the purpose could be to avoid accepting some facts or truth that are inconvenient, too painful, uncomfortable, hard to comprehend or face or simply unacceptable or unthinkable. Facing the truth, the facts as they are, avoids any self-deception, keeping the mind clear to process the situation then conclude the best way to resolve the matter.

The larger the acknowledgment of a mass dilution or widespread deception becomes the more legitimacy it acquires to the extent were false beliefs are widely spread as fact, thereby gradually becoming accepted by increasing number of people. A complete fabrication that is well thought out and presented correctly can deceive a large number of people who readily buy into the concept through the strength in numbers that produces psychological influences and demands.

Deceiving oneself or others with a passion always gives the deception some built-in credibility; it is wise to be aware of this ploy in order not to be dragged into believing some particular falsehood or fallacy. Intuition is always a faithful tool in searching out any deception that is being targeted towards you. That gut feeling of what is logical, correct and true. It is always a personal choice to decide what one believes is true or feels then believes is false. External influences may prevail for their own selfish reasons, usually, some benefit is to be acquired. It is always wise to carefully judge the motives of anyone who tries to force an alternative view of reality to what one believes is correct. While there are advantages as well as strengths in number, it doesn’t always work out that the majority are the sole owners of truth, as like sheep people tend to follow or latch onto the majority view, which may or may not be correct.

The Allure And Mystique Of Secrets

The Allure And Mystique Of Secrets

Secrets can only have interest when others wish to acquire them; or have a known value, real or imaginary, if they are known about and deemed to be worth knowing. Secrets with time can lose interest due to changing dynamics of life, thereby falling in value to others. Secrets do have different scales of perceived value and complexity, that, in turn, have a shelf life, where over time the secret may no longer have any value. A secret only has value while people wish to know the details, or are fully aware of some potential the secret holds. The value attributed to any secret is what people perceive the secret has to offer them, once this aura has diminished interest dissolves quickly.

Some secrets are only relevant or useful to the people that own them; or for a specific period of time. Once the metaphorical cat is out of the bag then everyone with access can clearly comprehend the value of the information; at this stage whether all the intrigue was justified or not becomes evidently clear. Interest will wane fast to those whom the information is of no actual use or value, focus on the related issues will also diminish and with time be completely forgotten..

A secret only has the value the illusion of it carries within reality; in fact, if the knowledge doesn’t match the illusion then there will be little residual interest. Usually, the image created to cloak the real contents of hidden information is far more persuasive or interesting that the secret itself.

People will always wish to probe a secrets defenses, especially if the information is thought to be rare or valuable or life-changing in nature. There is always a great deal of focus to unravel any mystery to penetrate what secrets are hidden therein. Secrets always lose their validity over time, or become known through someone revealing a confidence, or reneging on a promise.

Essence Of A Potential Situation

Essence Of A Potential Situation

It is only possible to realize one's true capacity to achieve anything until coming face to face with the demands of what needs to be achieved. There is potential to achieve whatever one believes is possible, for in that belief is the magic that makes things happen, that brings about the desires and enlivens the soul. The ability to strive for perfection, especially to bring a concept into existence, is the driving force for success.

Achieving the true potential that exists not only within oneself but within what is pursued will enliven life, making it more wonderful. If you don't meet your true potential then life will only provide a fraction of what is actually possible for you. Accepting that potential is endless so that what has been realized should never be discounted or ignored, never forgotten or not fully acted upon. Life is all about maximising the effort to bring about the things you can access to their full potential.

There are many things that are hidden or not easily observed. Having the ability to notice or identify these gems of concealed information, good or bad, can be quite advantageous. There is also potential to miss things that are in plain view by not giving them sufficient attention through focusing on other distracting things. Numerous choices of stimuli and activities to undertake do exist in life; what to focus on, or what to ignore can be confusing, even mind-boggling if given too much thought or when concentration is spread thinly over too many issues.

Missing the essence of a potential situation through lack of attention to the important points is often possible; with a range of consequences or causes of frustration. It is difficult to give efficient focus to a wide range of issues when distractions are all vying for interest, this is obvious; placing attention upon specifics within any issue that provides interest or motivation is the ideal choice to obtain success in realizing what is pursued. Ask the questions that will bring about the realization of which elements of life can make the journey and the destination more desirable.

You are a free spirit and
can believe whatever you want

Many people, perhaps most are so wound up with the cares of the day that they pay very little attention if any at all to their intuition, to their inner feelings and their sixth senses.

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